Lindsey Bessanson

212° punk


Here is an interview  Lindsey was so gracious to grant me, hope you enjoy it!

What sort of  opportunities did these present to  you?

The Steampunk genre had always been something that I like and when I
stared working with insects it seemed only natural to take that step
to unite two of my passions. Since the Steampunk movement has become
very popular again I have seen my work go from something I do for
myself to getting in multiple galleries and boutiques within Arizona.
Currently I am working with a gallery in New York to have my work
displayed and I will be featured in an up coming Steampunk book.  ~ LB


Do you foresee any  more animated versions of any of the prints?  …
or working mechanical  interaction  models?

I am working on having movable sculptures that are battery operated
and the gears inside the pieces will move…

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